Overcoming The Stigmas Of Dog Boarding

Those who work at a dog boarding facility have surely heard their fair share of concerns and criticisms related to their business. While many of the concerns that people might have stemmed from the love they have for their dogs, other concerns are unfounded and are simply not true. The concerns and criticisms from the public that are targeted at dog boarding facilities create stigmas against businesses that are just trying to create a convenient, comfortable place for your dog while you are away. Those who own—or are interested in owning—a dog boarding facility will be discouraged by hearing stigmas about their business. Luckily, you can easily put yourself in a position to offer the facts about your business when confronted with misinformation.

The Misconceptions About Dog Boarding Facilities

Dog boarding facilities aren’t safe for my dog. All dogs who stay at dog boarding facilities get sick. Dogs are neglected by the staff at dog boarding facilities. If you own a dog boarding facility or are employed by one, chances are you have heard complaints similar to the ones above during your time in the industry. You’ll find that some people have very strong opinions about dog boarding facilities regardless of the accuracy of the information that they use to form their opinions. Dog owners care deeply about their ‘fur babies’, so some people may never be interested in boarding a dog at a commercial facility. However, you can still put yourself in a position to offer the truth when faced with inaccurate information about dog boarding facilities.

Dog Boarding Facilities Aren’t Safe For My Dog

During times in which a dog’s owner is separated from their pooch, the owner may be understandably anxious about their dog’s safety. Some worry that dog boarding facilities are too dangerous of places to house their dog while they’re away. Reasons for this belief are variable, with some people believing that their dog would be confined to a small room with other dogs during their stay. Others believe that dogs are released together during exercise time, and they fear that their dog could get injured in this theoretical dog recess.

No matter one’s rationale for believing that dog boarding facilities are dangerous, as the owner or prospective owner of such a business, you can offer honest details about your business. It would be wise to begin with the fact that all dogs get their own room during their stay at a dog boarding facility, so there will not be a risk of your dog getting an unfriendly roommate. Additionally, discuss how there are no instances in which your dog is released into a crowd of other dogs during playtime. Each dog gets individual exercise and bathroom time that is free from other dogs.

All Dogs Who Stay At Boarding Facilities Get Sick

Many will tell stories about how they had a friend whose dog came home with kennel cough or some other sickness after their stay at a boarding facility. While no boarding facilities can guarantee that your dog will remain healthy during their stay, dog boarding facilities try to take special care to create a clean environment for your dog during its stay. In fact, any reputable dog boarding facility will require that your dog is up-to-date on all of its vaccinations before allowing your dog to stay. To do so, they will verify your dog’s medical information before approving its stay.

Checking the vaccination histories of all temporary dog tenants helps to create a clean atmosphere that will be free of harmful conditions. Dog boarding facilities also take the extra step of cleaning out a dog’s room before allowing another dog to stay in that room, so there should be little chance of a dog contracting a sickness from the dog who previously stayed in its room.

Dogs Are Neglected By The Staff At Dog Boarding Facilities

Some dog owners worry about the amount of attention that their dogs may receive at a dog boarding facility. The reality is that dog boarding facilities will usually have over a dozen dogs staying at their facilities to help raise enough money to keep the facility functional and pay the staff. This means that your dog will not get as much interaction time with a staff member as you may like, but your pooch is certainly not going to be neglected. In fact, dog boarding facilities will ask for any special requirements for your dog prior to their stay so they can help them be as comfortable as possible during their time at the facility. You can rest assured that your dog will be walked, fed, exercised, and given plenty of bathroom breaks throughout the day when they stay at a dog boarding facility.

Focus On The Pros

When confronted with someone who is skeptical about the benefits of a dog boarding facility, present them with the pros of your business. For example, explain that dog boarding facilities have staff who are trained to provide medical treatments, dog boarding facilities make sure that all of your dog’s needs are met, and (perhaps best of all in many people’s eyes) dog boarding facilities are typically the cheapest option for you when you need a place for your dog during an absence.


So, while there is plenty of inaccurate information out there when it comes to dog boarding facilities, the best thing you can do for your business is to offer the truth when confronted with misconceptions about dog boarding facilities. Remember to elaborate on the benefits of a dog boarding facility, and for those who are still skeptical, invite them to tour your facility so they can see for themselves that it is a safe place for their furry friend!